Thanks to everyone who sent me news and information. I look forward to receiving more as we get used to the new idea. I'm posting it a little early as some of the events mentioned are happening this weekend. Without further ado...
ROMENEL: VOYAGE INTO TWILIGHT is Book 2 in Sandra Stixrude's Anchorage Series and is scheduled to launch on 3rd June 2010 with Red Rose Publishing. Here's the buy link.

Barbara Elsborg's Quickie, SNOW PLAY, for Ellora's Cave comes out on the 15th June.

POISONED KISS is the third book in the Shadowfae Chronicles series for Aussie author, Erica Hayes. It's due for release from St.Martin's Press in September 2010.
Katherine Allred will be visiting the following blogs to celebrate the release of her new book, CLOSE CONTACT.
*June 8th - launch party at SFR Brigade with a give-away of book one (CLOSE ENCOUNTERS) and two (CLOSE CONTACT) to one commenter.
*June 10th – She’s doing a blog at FF&P called "You Don't Have to be a Rocket Scientist to Write (or Read) Science Fiction Romance".
*June 11th – She’s doing a blog for Cynthia Eden's Deadly Days of Summer, with another give-away of book one and two.
*The week of June 14th CLOSE CONTACT will be on the RT Author's Spotlight and will include a message from her and a new excerpt from the book.
Lisa Lane will be posting on "Fun with Cliches in SFR Erotica" on Friday, May 28th at The New Sensuality blog.
Kaye Manro guest blogged on Wicked Wednesday about her book, FORBIDDEN LOVE, over at Caridad Pineiro's site this week. Click here to see her interview. FORBIDDEN LOVE was released by Red Rose Publishing on May 13th.
Linnea Sinclair book, HOPE’S FOLLY has won the 2009 PEARL (Paranormal Excellence Awards for Romantic Literature) for Best Romantic Science Fiction & Futuristic Fantasy. Way to go, Linnea!
Rebecca Royce has sold another book in her popular Westervelt Wolves series at Liquid Silver Books and she’s had a story accepted for the Live to Kill Anthology with Eirelander Publishing.
Kylie Griffin has taken out 2nd place in the Yellow Rose RWA Winter Rose contest (paranormal section) with her sci-fi romance ms, DARK SHADOWS.
The 13th Annual FF&P PRISM finalists have been announced! Congratulations to the following Brigaders for being among them...
Ella Drake (for her novella FIRESTORM ON E'TERRA)
Jess Granger (for her futuristic BEYOND THE RAIN)
Katherine Allred (for her futuristic CLOSE ENCOUNTERS)
Linnea Sinclair (for her futuristic HOPE'S FOLLY)
Check out the interview and book review from The Geeky Book Worm on MIDNIGHT'S GHOST written by fellow-Brigader, Sara Brookes. TGBW highly recommends Sara's latest book and the interview is engaging and informative. There's a free copy giveaway of MIDNIGHT'S GHOST for one lucky commenter. All you have to do is ask Sara a question or comment on the interview by May 30th!
Jaleta Clegg is signing books and doing panels at ConDuit in Salt Lake City, Utah, this weekend - May 28 - 30, 2010. If you're in the area, it's a local SF/F convention. Drop by and say hi! Come help her bring legions of unsuspecting Utah fans to SFR.
Fellow brigader, Aubrie Dionne is giving away two signed copies of her Young Adult epic fantasy, THE VOICES OF IRE. All you have to do is leave a comment about your favourite fantasy character on her blog. Comments close Friday, 28th May.
Have a few minutes to spare? Ella Drake has a series of SF short stories as free reads on her website about Daphne & her space adventures.
To celebrate her new release, Sandra Stixrude is running a contest on her website. For those interested it's a "Draw Me A Harduk" contest. She's giving away a copy of ROMENEL:VOYAGE INTO TWILIGHT. For the details and rules go to her website. The contest closes June 25th.
Eirelander Publishing has an open call for submissions.
Legacy 2150
Our signature line of hard science fiction stories, they may explore any science fiction plot but should apply themselves to the guidelines of ‘hard’ science fiction. Fully developed worlds, spaceships, aliens, and fully-fleshed main characters with intriguing sci-fi plots that do not shy away from social issues, morality plays and all other aspects that make ‘hard’ sci-fi what it is should appear in the story. These are not watered down science fiction but all that made science fiction great.
- Stories must include the elements of true hard science fiction. Detail to world building, whether a space ship or a distant planet is imperative. The plot must be attached to all intrinsic elements including the world, the characters, and the antagonist. Gadgets, gizmos and ‘alien speak’ should be well developed and have ready explanation if necessary.
- Story length should be novelette length and up.
- Stories for consideration can be either Mainline or Heat Line, but must follow our general submission guidelines. They can be either general fiction or romance. If romance, they may be any heat level.
- Send a query letter in the body of an e-mail along with the entire document to submissions(at)eirelanderpublishing(dot)com . Please include a short summary of your story, your publishing credits or experience if applicable and the entire document. Please include, ‘Submission, Legacy 2150’ in the subject line.
What does the future hold? It’s a question we want you to answer. These stories should have a modern day traveler who journeys to the future by way of a device. The device or mode of travel may be of the author’s creation, but should have a detailed explanation, myth or legend attached to it. The plot must uphold the ‘reason’ for the traveler’s journey whether or not they journey to the near future or distant future time.
- Stories must have strong elements of futuristic/spec-fic fiction. They may include any plot from science fiction, fantasy, utopian/dystopian fiction, apocalyptic to post apocalyptic/new world order. These stories should include a fully developed plot with fully fleshed characters. The characters need not be likable, but must give the reader good cause to root for them. The device or vehicle may work both ways (journey to future then back to present), but it should be understood that a positive ending/HEA is preferred.
- These stories may be any length from super-short to saga.
- Stories for consideration can be either Mainline or Heat Line, but must follow our general submission guidelines. They can be either general fiction or romance. If romance, they may be any heat level.
- Send a query letter in the body of an e-mail along with the entire document to submissions(at)eirelanderpublishing(dot)com . Please include a short summary of your story, your publishing credits or experience if applicable and the entire document. Please include, ‘Submission, Unto Tomorrow’ in the subject line.
- Novella lengths and above are considered for print publication in accordance with our ‘mission statement’.
Eirelander Publishing, Inc. is also looking for anyone interested writing short stories for their fictional world called The Borderlands. Information, submission guidelines and rules about using The Borderlands construct are available on their information page.
The Galaxy Express has a couple of interesting articles on the "A Brief History of SF" and "Why SF Fandom is Full of Romance Haterz" you might like to take a look at.
The RWA Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter has a post from guest blogger Cindy Carroll called "Learn a Thing or Two from the Movies" that looks at script writing, specifically the technique of showing not telling, and how it applies to writing your novel.
Ripping Ozzie Reads discusses "Dialogue, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly" with references from powerful dialogue in scenes from Firefly and The Princess Bride. Worth a look!
Jessica Faust from BookEnds LLC makes some suggestions on "Using Your Galleys" for published authors over on her blog. There are some helpful suggests as well in the comments section from her readers.
RWAmerica 30th Annual Conference 2010
July 28-31, 2010
Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort
Orlando, Florida
For more details visit the RWA website.
RWAustralia National Conference 2010
August 13-15, 2010
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Coogee Beach, Sydney, NSW
For more details visit the conference page on the RWAustralia website.
RWNew Zealand 20th Conference 2010
August 20-22, 2010
Rydges Hotel
New Zealand
For more details visit the conference page on the RWNZ website.
Happy Birthday to these members...
May 15th - Kylie Griffin