Sunday, May 23, 2010

AGENTS: Sarah LaPollah at Curtis Brown

New agent alert!

Sarah is seeking: literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, science fiction, literary horror, and young adult fiction. She loves complex characters, coming-of-age stories, and strong narrators.

How to contact: E-query: sl(at)cbltd(dot)com. Query; also, include a synopsis (for fiction), a sample chapter and brief writing history. Responds within 8 weeks.

Source: Guide to Literary Agents


  1. I'm definitely going to query her once my sci fi WIP is done.

  2. I just queried Ms. LaPolla on my YA SFR, Sugar Rush. Unfortunately, several sources I've read have different guidelines for submission. It was very confusing. So, I just sent a query based on the latest interview I could find of her at

    At least, I think that's the one.

    I think the confusion arises from her site's guidelines being for SnailQs, but agents almost universally hate so much material being pasted into the body of the email. It ends up all messy at their end. But, they also hate attachments. On my search for specifics, I came up with several blog posts and I can at least tell you she seems very professional and enthusiastic.

  3. Thanks for the additional research on Sarah, Kimber An!

    There is so much agent info online, some of it out of date, it can be really hard trying to pin down guidelines. A lot of agents delete unsolicited attachments. I always tried to err on the side of safety unless they specifically asked for a .doc or .rtf attachment.

    Good luck with your query!


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