Monday, October 18, 2010

Spiffin' the Blog

The SFR Brigade has been in operation for six months now, and it's time for a bit of updating and spring fall cleaning. We need a little help from members.  For any of the actions below, please email me at Lgreen2162 (at) aol (dot) com (in the usual emial format).

Blog Authors

We've been at capacity with 100 blog authors for quite some time now, so we can't offer new members who'd like to post an author spot on the blog.  If you were assigned an author spot but don't intend to post in the future, please notify me so I can reassign your spot to a new author who would like to post.  This will not affect your membership in the Brigade and only applies to posting on the blog. (You can still post on the web site forums at any time.)

If you're a previous member who doesn't need author priviledges, please email me with "REMOVE AS SFRb BLOG AUTHOR" and your member name in the subject line.

If you are a new member who doesn't have an author slot and would like one, please email me at the above address with "ADD AS SFRb BLOG AUTHOR."

Membership List

Please check the Brigade Member roster on the sidebar to 1) verify you are listed and 2) verify your name is linked to your blog or website. (If we didn't get a working link for you at the time you requested membership, we linked you back to this blog.) If we need to make corrections, send an email with your member name and web address in the subject line and include the link for your site in the body of the email. We'll also add new blogs to the Base of Operations blog roll at the bottom of this page.

Base of Operations Blog Roll

The Base of Operations blog roll at the bottom of this page lists member blogs in order of most recent posts. If you'd like your blog listed, please email me with BLOG ROLL in the subject line and the web address of your blog.

RT Top Picks Widget

A RT Top Picks widget has been added to the sidebar featuring recent novels by Brigade members--CLOSE CONTACT by Katherine Allred and ENEMY WITHIN by Marcella Burnard).  If you've had a novel selected as an RT Top Pick and want your novel added to the widget, email me with the title of your novel and what issue of RT Reviews lists your novel. 
See anything else that requires a clean sweep?  Let us know via email or comments below.
Thanks all!


  1. We've had a lot of additions and updates already. Thanks to everyone who responded. Keep 'em coming. :)

  2. Oh! I suppose if I *can* author a blog for the site, I *should*! Okay. Stepping up...


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SFR Brigade Bases of Operation