All Hands On Deck!
You know the drill, Brigaders. You've been busy writing new space adventures for us to read and that means we need to get the library organized to show off your best work. We love to have our authors listed, and we love to share the library with new SFR readers who don't know where to start. So help us out and send your titles in today!
If you are already in the library: check the library and review your links. Make sure nothing is broken and nothing leads back to an old website. If you would like a book removed or a link changed please send Liana the title and genre where it is shelved.
If you have a new title for the library: Send Liana an email with the following information...
Genre: Action/Adventure, Anthology, Comedy, Cyberpunk/Speculative, Military, Near Future, Paranormal, Simply Romance, Space Opera, or Not Romance
Heat Rating: Sweet (fade to black), Hot (sex on screen), Erotic
Author Name:
Buy Link: a link to your website or some other page featuring the book
Release Date: For new books or any books coming out between now and January 1st, 2016
liana . brooks1 at gmail dot com
If you send an email and don't get a response you can track Liana down on Twitter. Look for @LianaBrooks and tell her to check her spam folder.
Title: Convergence Point
Genre: Action/Adventure
Heat Rating: Sweet
Author Name: Liana Brooks
Buy Link: (my book page has links to Amazon, B&N, Kobo, ect ect ect)
Release Date: November 24
The simple answer is that I always wanted to write a dystopian, post
apocalyptic novel and now I have! The first one I ever read was the classic
Alas, Baby...
5 days ago
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