You know the drill, Brigaders. We want to get the SFR Brigade Library spit shined and polished before the holiday shopping season descends upon us. That means we need your latest titles to decorate with.
Send Liana an email with the following information:
Genre: Action/Adventure, Anthology, Comedy, Cyberpunk/Speculative, Military, Near Future, Paranormal, Simply Romance, Space Opera, or Not Romance
Heat Rating: Sweet (fade to black), Hot (sex on screen), Erotic
Author Name:
Buy Link: a link to your website or some other page featuring the book
Release Date: For new books or any books coming out between now and September 1, 2014
liana . brooks1 at gmail dot com
If you send an email and don't get a response you can track Liana down on Twitter. Look for @LianaBrooks and tell her to check her spam folder.
Several authors have noted that their books have won certain awards when they send them to the library. Would we like to note this in the library, make a separate page for award winning SFR books, or avoid mentioning awards all together?
I think it should be whatever is easiest for the librarian. :-)