Thursday, December 29, 2011

Time To Update the Library

It's the end of the year, and we're doing some tidying around the SFR Brigade. If you'd like your work listed in our library you can either add it yourself, or email Liana Brooks on the SFR Brigade website.

For published work we need: title, buy link, genre, and heat rating

For upcoming work we need: title, release date, genre, heat rating - if you have a link or cover art you'd like to include that would be great too.

If your work is already listed in the library, please check to make sure the link works! There are a few where the links are broken or take the reader to the publisher's main page.

Happy New Year and Happy Writing!
- Liana

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Some Girls Love Diamonds

Some girls love diamonds. This thought crossed my mind as I stood, trembling with excitement, waiting for the bookstore man to ring up my SF purchases. Okay, and one horror, but come on, it’s Stephen King for cripes-sake!

After 18 years together my hubby knows and understands...okay, he doesn’t really understand, but he knows. The key to my heart is not diamonds. Those glittery things don’t catch my heart, except when they are used for scientific purposes. Don’t get me wrong, I like jewelry. I’ll wear jewelry when we go out to dinner or I have a business function. They’re pretty and all.

No, no. The key to my heart is books, and specifically SF books. I am also endeared when he sends links to the latest science and technology stories, but you can’t really give those for the holidays.

I get as excited when I open the gift to find gift cards to my local bookstore as my best friend does when she opens up the diamond encrusted watch. (It’s true. My best friend loves diamonds. Love, love, loves them.)

We die-hard SF readers are a different breed, that’s for sure. The written word is as shiny to us as diamonds are to others. Both are representations of possibility. Possibility of what the future could be, what existence could be, and what humans could be.

For diamonds that possibility is between two people who love each other. That piece of jewelry - no matter whether it’s a ring, necklace, or watch - is a representation of what the future and existence could be for those two humans together. In SF the possibility is on a larger scale. Humanity’s scale. What the future and existence of humans will be 100 years from now, 500 years from now, and even a thousand years from now.

I don’t worry so much about hubby and I’s future. After 18 years and everything we’ve been through together, I know he’s the sticking kind of guy. And the fact that he knows - if not fully understands - how important SF books are to me tells me he gets and loves me for who I am.

I hope you all enjoyed your holidays, whatever they might have been.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Announcing the SFR Pitch Tournament

The SFR Brigade is kicking off the New Year with a new kind of event...

The Great 2012 SFR Pitch Tournament!

What is it?
A fun competition for writers of SFR.

What's the purpose?
To help SFR Brigade writers judge what pitches work best to hook readers. As a bonus, readers will discover some great SFR titles.

How does it work?
Up to 50 pitches will be accepted and entered in random order into tournament heats. Winners of each heat will be chosen by poll and then entered in a heat/heats against other winners. Heats will continue until the top three are chosen. The number of heats and duration of the tournament will be determined by the number of entries received.

Who can vote?
Anyone can vote by poll. Voters are also encouraged to make comments on the Pitch Tournament posts.

When will the contest start?
We're shooting for January 7th-15th, 2012, depending on the number of entries posted prior to that time. Meanwhile, pitches can be submitted HERE where they will be available to read in advance (with sales links, if provided).

Who can enter?
Members of the SFR Brigade. Not a member? Join us. There are no dues or obligations to join our alliance.

Does my work have to be published?
No. It can be published, e-published, self-published, pre-published or a work in progress of any length as long as it falls under the SFR Brigade definition of SFR. (See FAQ section in our Welcome Message.)

How do I enter?
Post your entry as a comment on the SFR Brigade web site forum under the THE GREAT 2012 SFR PITCH TOURNAMENT ENTRIES thread and it will be transferred to a blog post when the Tournament begins.

You may enter multiple times, but each entry must be submitted as a separate comment on the thread.

Submit your information in this order:

1. Title

2. Author/Pen Name

3. SFR subcategory description (optional) i.e. Steampunk, YA Apocalyptic, Near Future

4. Your SFR Pitch: Can be a blurb, query, back cover copy, etc. up to 500 words.

5. Include sales link, release date, or pre-published (optional)

(Please note that any non-Science Fiction Romance pitches entered will be disqualified.)

What do the winners get? For that matter, what do the non-winners get?
Winners get a virtual ribbon, but all entrants get a chance to pitch your SFR (or future SFR title) to readers and visitors (with a sales link, if provided).

What can I do to help make this a success?

1. Enter your work.

2. Spread the word through FB, Twitter, email, Goodreads, Shelfari and other forums. Include a link to the Pitch Tournament information.

3. Invite everyone you know to vote.

Ready to enter?
Great! Submit your Pitch Tournament Entry on the SFR Brigade web site forum HERE.

(Remember we're limiting the contest to the first 50 entries.)

Light Up The Holidays ~Medieval Style~

Today I'm spending time with Jessica Subject and Light Up The Holidays! I'm interviewing my hero, Marcus from A Medieval Yule. Though this short story isn't SFR, it is really the precursor to my SFR time travel series, The Quantum Portal, which has several medieval settings.

Stop by for an interesting chat with hero, Marcus. Here's the link: Jessica's Blog

I'm also blogging today on LSAR/WC and Stuff Your Stocking With Books. My  medieval themed post is up today! Here's the link: Blogfest

Leave a comment on either blog for a chance to win a PDF download of 
A Medieval Yule

You can also visit me this season to enjoy more Medieval themed blog posts. Leave a comment on any of the posts for additional chances to win 
A Medieval Yule on: Kaye's Blog 

Here's to everyone having a wonderful Holiday! Thanks to SFRB for making 2011 a fantastic year for SFR authors!

Kaye Manro

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2012 SFR Reading Challenge ~ Now Open for Sign-Ups!

The 2012 SFR Reading Challenge sign-up page is live!

Every year we aim to connect voracious readers with great SF & SFR books out there. Everyone is free to join the challenge which starts January 1st and ends Dec 31st. 

Visit the spiffy new page to sign up and plot your reading goal for next year!

Authors and readers are also welcome to join the very active and passionate Sci-Fi Romance Goodreads Group!

Sci-Fi Romance's to-read book montage

Sci-Fi Romance 574 members

Join to share recommendations and gab about your favorite scifi romance (or hinting at romance) titl...

Books we plan to read

View this group on Goodreads »

Hope to see you there!

A Medieval Yule is out now

I just wanted to let the Brigade know that
A Medieval Yule, my little Christmas story was released on December 19 through Red Rose Publishing. Though it isn't SFR, it is a short story I wrote while doing research on The Quantum Portal series, which is SFR with medieval settings.

I'll be having a few interesting posts on all things Medieval on my blog this week. And I'll be giving away a PDF download of A Medieval Yule chosen from the comments on my blog between now and December 23.

Stop by Kaye's Blog and let me know about a spacial holiday tradition that is close to your heart.
Kaye Manro

Monday, December 19, 2011

Poll: Self-Published SFR

The purpose for this poll is to gather information for a possible new project. We'd like to get an idea how many SFR Brigade members have or are planning to self-publish novels and/or short stories, either separately or as part of an anthology.

For the purposes of this survey "SFR" applies to the broad spectrum of Science Fiction Romance defined by the SFR Brigade, including:

  • alien romance
  • alternate history romance
  • apocalyptic romance
  • contemporary science fiction romance
  • erotica science fiction romance
  • futuristic romance
  • interstellar adventure romance
  • military science fiction romance
  • medical science fiction romance
  • near future romance
  • space opera romance
  • science fantasy romance
  • slipstream (sci-fi/fantasy blend) with technical or scientific elements
  • steampunk romance
  • time travel romance
  • young adult in any of the above
  • erotica in any of the above

(For the purposes of this survey, "SFR" does not include works with vampires, werewolves, fae, demons, angels or any entity that exists in a Fantasy, Urban Fantasy or Paranormal setting, unless there are scientific, technological, or cultural elements that define the work as SFR.)

Thanks for your response!

Space Stations and the Road to Hell

I am so excited to have blogger buddy Krista D. Ball back for a visit. This time she's talking space stations and her new SF release, Road to Hell. Stop by if you have a chance.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Winners of the 2011 SFR Holiday Blitz

Congratulations to the following winners of the 2011 SFR Holiday Blitz here at the SFR Brigade:

Pauline B. Jones - Unacceptable Risk

Anna - Zero Factor

To claim your prize, email Heather at sfrgalaxy "at" Subject line: Brigade Blitz. Please include your preferred format (PDF, ePub, or Mobi).

Thanks so much to everyone who entered!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Member, Yolanda Sfetsos

Please give a big welcome to our next new member, Yolanda Sfetsos. Thanks for sharing with us today!

Please tell us a little about yourself
My name is Yolanda Sfetsos and I live in Sydney, Australia. I've been writing stories for many years and love to dabble in a variety of genres. SFR happens to be one of those genres. I love telling a SF story with romantic elements. I also like to throw in a little paranormal in there, too.

When I'm not writing, I love to read. Or spend time with my hubby, daughter and cat.

We’d love to hear more about your book, Recast, Book 2: Clash
This is actually the second installment in my Recast series, which started with Wither.

The main character, Ace Abu, actually appears in Wither. And this is his story. He's a shifter who is determined to put a stop to some barbaric arena fights that are destroying the lives of many people, with the help of Colt and Brynn (from Wither) but at the same time gets entangled with a woman who could end up destroying him.

It was a lot of fun to write, and I can't wait to share it with the world...

Would you like to share any upcoming projects (and links)
Clash will be available from Samhain Publishing on January 24, 2012. So I'm very excited about that.

I recently finished writing the third book in this series, and have plenty more tales to tell. I'm hoping to write the next two in 2012. Each book features a new hero and heroine. Some which make appearances in previous books, others that follow the main storyline about the Recast, the fallout from the arena fights, and the mystery of the Y-123 AI models.

But for now, you can check out Wither: and Clash: Which both have awesome covers, btw. ;) Both were made by the very awesome cover artist, Kanaxa.

What do you like about writing SFR?
I love writing stories, and the freedom that SFR offers my muse and imagination is amazing. I love setting stories in a fictional galaxy, where the rules are different from our world, yet there are still similarities. I absolutely love the idea of characters owning small (and big) spaceships, and travelling the galaxy in them. I also love integrating AI and robots into the mix, as well as creating technologies of my own.

But what I love doing the best is giving my characters the strengths and weakenesses of humanity in a world where not everyone is human, or live by human rules. And because the freedom to create planets is so vast, I love throwing them into unexpected climates and cultures. It's just so much fun. The worldbuilding is filled with awesome possibilities.

Let's not forget the romance and the sensuality, the difficulty of relationships. Oh, and secrets. I love sprinkling SFR stories with secrets. I think it's something I subconsciously picked up from theStar Wars movies when I was a kid.

What do you find challenging about it?
You know, all the things that make it so much fun and exciting to write, are also the most challenging. I mean, creating a galaxy filled with different planets, technology, and so many characters with interconnected lives, provides a huge challenge.

What is your favorite SF book or movie?
There are several, but I'll just list one movie trilogy and one book: The original Star Wars Trilogy, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick.

If you could have a robot that did one chore/task and only one, what would you choose?The only chore I would expect a robot to perform is to 'live'. The chore I would give it is freedom.

Favorite mode of fictional travel? Definitely a small spaceship. I'd love to own my own ship and travel around the galaxy. That would be awesome! ;)

About the author:
Yolanda Sfetsos lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband, daughter, and cat. She loves to spend most of her days writing stories. Her muse doesn't like genre restrictions and is always happy to toe the dark edge of storytelling. When she’s not writing she spends as much time as possible with her small family. She also enjoys watching movies, TV shows, anime, going for walks, and reading.


Betrayal. Lust. Secrets. It’s enough to send a space cowboy riding hell-bent for stardust.

Recast, Book 1

Wrangling is in Colt Marshall’s blood. He was known across the galaxy for his skill at roping horses and cattle, but found that the woman he loved wasn’t so easy to tie down. Now a mysterious client has him wrangling a man who may or may not be fully human. Colt doesn’t know and doesn’t care, as long as he gets paid. Until his pursuit of the escaped captive lands him on his former lover’s planet…and her request for help threatens to crack the armor around his heart.

With Colt’s unexpected arrival, Brynn Wright’s problems could be solved…or multiplied a thousandfold. She doesn’t expect him to understand why she left him, but she sure could use his help ridding her planet of the feral creatures terrorizing her town every night. It doesn’t help that he looks just as good as she remembers. Or that even after five years, their mutual lust is very much alive.

Their desire rivals the heat of the planet’s skin-peeling sun, stripping away layers of secrets to expose the truth. And a secret that could be their death sentence…

Product Warnings: This book contains a space cowboy with an attitude, a female sheriff with a kick-ass past, an AI dressed like a deputy, feral creatures, and a planet scorched by its proximity to the sun—but still not as hot as the cowboy and sheriff are for each other.


When revenge, secrets and lust collide, there can only be chaos.

Recast, Book 2

Jenks Maine is dead, but the devastating effects forcing Recast to fight in the arena goes on. Half-Recast Ace Abu is determined to put a stop to it. All he needs is to get to the planet Fray, locate the concealed Clash Arena, and destroy it. But first he has to cross half the galaxy before the sound and smell of his partners’ nonstop lovemaking drives him mad.

By the time he parks himself on a barstool in the town of Grit, he’s more than ready for a few beers. Except the sexy singer on stage is only making him—and his inner beast—burn hotter.

Ely’Shea longs for the freedom Jenks stole from her. She’s his right-hand woman, but when the boss is away she steps out of her enforcer role and ducks into a remote bar to indulge her passion: singing onstage. The night she catches a glimpse of an alluring cowboy in the audience, he ignites a spark inside her she never thought she’d feel again. 

Unable to resist temptation, they’re consumed by passion…but once the fuses are set, their deepest personal secrets could blow any chance of forever all to hell. 

Product Warnings: This book contains a very lonely shapeshifter in need of some loving, a kick-ass singer leading a double life, a serious case of mutual lust, an arena filled with enslaved warriors, and so many secrets it can only end in total madness. 


Thank you so much!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Member, Cary Caffrey

Please join me in giving a warm welcome to our new member, Cary Caffrey. Thanks for the great interview. I now must have a sarcasm bot!


Please tell us a little about yourself

That's always the toughest question--there's so little to tell! Like all of you (I hope) I'm a huge Science Fiction fan. How huge? Well, If I'd ever learned to sew I'd be one of those crazy Cos-Players you see at Science-Fiction/Fantasy conventions. But alas, I never did learn the fabulous art of costume creation.


We’d love to hear more about your book, (fill in here please)

The Girls From Alcyone is an adventure story--it's the story of two girls who are taken away from their homes and families when they're very young, to be raised by a corporation who has purchased their life-contracts (a sort of form of indentured servitude). This corporation is also tinkering and poking around with their genetics and training them with some rather nasty purposes in mind.

On their own, far from home, and with no one else to care for them, the girls are forced to rely heavily on each other. At it's core, it's a story of friendship, loyalty, and love (but with a whole lot of feisty action).


Would you like to share any upcoming projects (and links)

I'm currently writing the second book in the Alcyone series, as well as working on a screenplay I've had bouncing around in my head (think Bound meets The Thing meets Alien -- a complicated love-triangle, a remote, hostile setting...and monsters!).


What do you like about writing SFR?

Well, I love a good science-fiction adventure, but all too often that genre is lacking in one particular area, and that'sRomance! I'm often frustrated by the SF/Adventure genre. Too often, the action and scifi elements take over everything, sacrificing (or shying away from) more complex character development. Action is wonderful and all, but without real characters at the core, action on it's own rings very hollow to me.

Writing TGfA was in direct response to what I felt I wasn't getting enough of as a reader. I wanted more 'character reveals', if that makes sense, and I wanted the characters to actually have relationships, on top of all the action. I wanted to fully explore those relationships too. I think that's why I've always loved BtVS (Buff the Vampire Slayer). That series is a great example of mixing fun and action, with interesting characters and relationships that you actually care about. Joss Whedon is a God when it comes to character.


What do you find challenging about it?

Finding the right balance. I like a brisk pace. But I also like finding those moments where characters can take a breath, relax and share something more personal--even something as simple as cup of tea together. But even that cup of tea must drive the plot forward (I'm a very impatient reader).


What is your favorite SF book or movie?

That's easy. And my answer won't be that original. It's a toss up between Blade Runner and Alien for movies. Both are absolute classics. I own the Blade Runner 'briefcase' edition of the blu-ray release. It's awesome.

For books, that's easy too. I still think Joe Haldeman's The Forever War is the best Science-Fiction book ever written. It was first published back in '73 and it's hitting a whole new generation of readers today, now that it's been released as an eBook. Unfortunately, people reading the eBook are NOT reading the best edition. What's out now is a sort of 'director's cut,' and it's not nearly as good as the original version edited by Ben Bova. (Sorry Joe).

For SFR fans, this is a MUST READ! Don't be fooled by the title. The book may be, to some extent, about war, but there's a wonderful (and tragic) romantic element in the book. Just read it! But try to find an old paperback copy.

If you could have a robot that did one chore/task and only one, what
would you choose?

I think I would like a 'Sarcasm Bot'; a machine that would stand beside me and say everything that I want to say, even though I know I shouldn't.

What SFR book would you most like to be stranded in and with whom?

Woot! I want to be stranded on Omicron Ceti III (This Side of Paradise, Star Trek: TOS). Okay, it's not a book, but it's my fantasy! lol. That's the planet where everyone gets infected by spores that make them sit back, relax, have a really good time. Hey, if Spock can fall in love, then you know it's romantic.

But of course, like in the episode, Captain Kirk would arrive and 'rescue' us from our terrible fate of perpetual happiness and love (where's the Prime Directive when you need it?). Silly Kirk.
Favorite mode of fictional travel?

Who wouldn't want their own Millennium Falcon! (except, then your friends would always be asking you to help them move).

Brief Bio: Cary Caffrey |ˈkarÄ“; ˈke(É™)rÄ“|: A voracious reader of 1960's pulp Science-Fiction, self-confessed Trekkie, and HUGE BtVS fan.

Back of Book Summary: Sigrid and Suko are two girls from the impoverished and crime-infested streets of 24th century Earth. Sold into slavery to save their families from financial ruin, the girls are forced to live out their lives in service to the Kimura Corporation, a prestigious mercenary clan with a lineage stretching back long before the formation of the Federated Corporations. 

Known only to Kimura, the two girls share startling secret—a rare genetic structure not found in tens of millions of other girls.

But when their secret becomes known, Sigrid and Suko quickly find themselves at the center of a struggle for power. Now, hunted by men who would seek to control them, Sigrid and Suko are forced to fight for their own survival, and for the freedom of the girls from Alcyone.

Thank you so much for this! I really look forward to the SFR blogs.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The SFR Holiday Blitz 2011: Win Free Sci-Fi Romance Ebooks!

SFR Holiday Blitz icon by Kanaxa

Welcome to the third annual SFR Holiday Blitz!

A group of bloggers and authors have teamed up this holiday season so you can enter for a chance to win a variety of science fiction romance ebooks—all for free!

Entering is easy: Just leave a comment. You’ll be entered for a chance to win one (1) of the ebooks seen here. Then visit the other participating blogs, which are listed below for your convenience.

The deadline to enter is midnight at EST on Friday, December 16, 2011.

Winners get to choose from these formats: PDF, Mobi, or ePub

Here are the prizes available at The SFR Brigade:

ZERO FACTOR by Stacy Gail


Now you can go on to the next stop! Here’s the list of participating blogs:

Alien Romances

CONTACT – Infinite Futures

Love Romance Passion

SFR Brigade

Smart Girls Love SciFi & Paranormal Romance


The Galaxy Express


Thanks for visiting. Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Joining Our Ranks

Please give our newest Brigade members a big welcome!  

Cathryn Cade
Cary Caffrey
Nina Croft
Michele Hart  
E. A. Hoornaert
Imogene Nix

Glad to have you all as a part of our SFR community!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Art Contest Update

Art Contest Update

Space Art Contest sponsored by National Space Society of North Texas (

Great way to get your art published! No fee. Open to all. See topic requirements.


Lunar Eclipse

You know what a geek I am, right? Especially about astronomical oddities. It looks like we're about to get a great one. If you're in position to see even part of this weekend's lunar eclipse, there's a potential bonus - the way the sun, earth and the moon are lined up, you have a chance to see the sun on the eastern horizon and the blood red moon 180 degrees away on the western horizon. Check this article or for the details and best viewing times.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Steampunk Romance...and Tentacles!

I've been having some fun blogging about science fiction romance recently!

I'm at blogging about a science fiction romance classic: Jacqueline Lichtenberg's Unto Zeor, Forever: More Than Just Tentacle Sex.

You can also catch up with the latest in steampunk romance at The Galaxy Express with my Steampunk Romance Watch: December 2011.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Entangled Publishing Wants "Geek" Sci-Fi Romance Submissions

Check out this cool opportunity: Entangled Publishing put out a call on December 3, 2011 for geek-centric stories--including science fiction romance! I thought that was an interesting angle from which to approach this subgenre and can't wait to see what stories they acquire.

The deadline to submit is January 15, 2012. See their post for complete details.

(Thanks to author Diane Dooley for the heads up).

NHL realigns teams and conferences

NHL realigns teams and conferences

WOW big changes coming up in the NHL!

Now Available: Cimmerian City (Book 1 in the Cimmerian Duology) by Rae Lori

Cimmerian City: The Re-released & Expanded 2nd Edition is now available in e-book and coming to soon to print.

Stripped from the headlines of today's news, Cimmerian City is a novel spanning 15 years.

Greed can turn a good man’s heart to stone. This is especially true in the age of commerce and large corporations. No new pill can be taken without a laundry list of side effects that the patient may have to endure. But what if the side effects are more dangerous than the pills are helpful? What if the side effect causes the patient to be immune from standard dangers, such as firearms, the climate, etc., but causes them to change into otherworldly beings?

It is seen through the eyes of a young woman named Raven Blackheart.

It is a future where corporations rule the world and political parties have been dismissed.

An Earth that is recovering from a global war that has divided two races: Humans and Dracins, quick, tough skinned creatures that are children of the side effects from 20th century pharmaceuticals. Raven awakens in this world as a product of both races and nurtured by the vice president of the main corporation in the world as a symbol of the union of races. With her help, Vice President Tyler Deamond’s corporation can take both beings off Earth—quickly becoming a waste planet—and to a new terraformed planet. But, as Raven learns, nothing is as it seems, especially concerning humans.

Now available in online bookstores and coming soon to paperback!

Coming Soon
A Feast of Shadows (Book 2 in the Cimmerian Duology)

Monday, December 5, 2011

20% Off Sci-Fi Romance Titles At Carina Press

Today only: Carina Press is offering 20% off of its sci-fi romance titles. The coupon code is SCIFIDEAL.

Thanks to author Ella Drake for the news.

Happy shopping!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Geek Girls Are Arriving!

Today I have a post on My Blog that features Geek Girls. And later, Heather Massey of The Galaxy Express will also have her own post about Geek Girls. So stop by the blogs and leave a comment. Let the world know your own Geek Girl status! Also check out Melisse Aires Geeky post too!



(Geek Girl poster and comics created by Sam Johnson )

Thursday, December 1, 2011

25 Word Pitch to Laurie McLean of Larsen Pomada Literary Agency


25 Word Pitch to Laurie McLean of Larsen Pomada Literary Agency   

Laurie McLean will be on the Savvy blog on Friday, December 2nd taking 25 word pitches.

Laurie is eager to find excellent steampunk, new weird fantasy, cyberpunk, space opera science fiction, dark fantasy, urban fantasy, post-apocalyptic fiction, non-traditional westerns that are more like the television show The Wild Wild West than Zane Grey, and anything with zombies in it.

She is also looking for romance manuscripts in the following subgenres: Regency historicals, Scottish historicals, medieval historicals, paranormal (especially vampires and shape-shifters with a new twist), futuristic and military (especially yummy special-ops heroes).

And for the YA and middle-grade markets I am searching high and low for YA romance, anything post-apocalyptic or vampiric, dark fantasy (no sweet fairy tales), dark reality (dealing with contemporary issues) and anything interesting. "YA is super hot right now and I love the teen voice!"

WHEN: Dec 2, 2011

$0 for Basic Members

REGISTRATION: This event does not require registration.

Laurie McLean joined the two agency founders in 2005 following a 20-year stint as the CEO of a successful Silicon Valley public relations agency. Laurie was able to switch gears in 2002 to immerse herself in writing. She has penned three manuscripts to date, and if that wasn't enough, she decided that the life of a literary agent would be the perfect complement to her duties as a writer of genre fiction.

Tags: Query/Pitch, Editor/Agent, Contests

## If you're not in the USA (aka the same time zone), check the Savvy Authors blog for more details or query them.

In Defense of Hope at Ethics in SF :-)

I did a guest spot at Ethics in SF, talking about hope:

Blog post ahead of mine is also on optimism in SF. :-)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Discussion on Ethnicity in SFR at TGE


I'm over at The Galaxy Express and we're having a great discussion on ethnicity and diversity in the future, which sparked some discussion on how SFR writers can best portray ethnicity and diversity in their writing.

Stop by if you have a chance.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Curiosity is on its way to Mars

Let's not forget we are still reaching toward Mars. Curiosity, NASA's scientifically equipped rover lifted off on November 26 on its way to the Red Planet. I still hold my breath in awe each time a launch is underway. We'll have to wait until August to see how it goes when Curiosity lands at its destination.

This particular rover is a spacial one. Its goal is to find and determine how feasible it will be for humans to actually spend time on Mars.

I Have a a couple of posts up on my blog relating to this mission. I'd love to hear what you think. Stop by anytime.

Link: Kaye Manro's Blog

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Anne McCaffrey, You Will Be Missed

I am deeply saddened by the announcement received today of the passing of the great SF/Fantasy author, Anne McCaffrey. Her Dragonriders of Pern series, The Ship Who Sang, and many other stories were an inspiration to generations of writers.

Anne McCaffrey was an accomplished author and the first woman to win a Hugo Award and Nebula Award. She was 85 years old.

You can read Anne McCaffrey's tributes and biographies at a number of sites:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

One Mystery, One Woman and the One Man Who Has The Answers. 'Kybernatia' by Clare Dargin


Kybernatia was supposed to be humanity’s newest paradise but that dream is all but gone.  Ruined in an horrible terra forming accident, the planet was deemed no longer fit for humanity.  Gabrielle Burle, project manager for the development of the planet, was forced out of her job as a veil of secrecy suddenly shrouded the planet.

Determined to find out why or how it could happen, Gabrielle goes on a journey of discovery that leads her to one man who she knows has all the answers.


Kybernatia, an aquamarine-blue planet with islands and continents of sandy gold and dark brown, filled the view screen. Happy people with large white perfect smiles romped through scenes of beautiful sandy beaches while sapphire blue water washed upon their tan bodies. Lush forests and cozy mountain getaways flashed, wrapping up the almost Edenic view of this once beautiful planet.

The commercial ended slowly for Gabrielle. It brought back all the memories she had for the little planet that had been devoid of all forms of life. A sober-faced reporter appeared upon the screen pulling her from her memories and bringing her back to the present as he grimly stated the realities of the horrific planetary accident.

“You're not exactly fired, but we think it‟s best that you move on,” Dr. Linwood said, interrupting the news anchor's controlled-yet-cool delivery of the news. Dr. Linwood appeared sympathetic to her plight, but she knew he was just covering his back. It was, after all, Washington, D.C., and if you didn't cover your backside, someone else would do it for you.

Still, she tried to hide her surprise. Couldn‟t he had at least have waited until all the people had been removed from the planet before kicking me to the curb? All of a sudden, their playful banter and office talk seemed like it was just that: talk. They hadn‟t been friends as she had hoped.

Unable to speak, Gabrielle Burle continued to stare at the disturbing and tragic images on the view screen inside her office. Emergency craft of all shapes and sizes sped to the planet as smoke and plumes of ash erupted from its surface. They could see the hospital ships close in as the wounded and seriously injured were brought aboard for care.

Gabrielle gazed helplessly at the scene. The once-promising new home for humanity went up in smoke, right before her eyes, along with any hopes of ever working in Washington again.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nano Workshop Special Price!

Nano Workshop Special Price!

Special pricing 2 days only for this Saturday's Nan0-ing Your Novel to Publication in Amsterdam!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Exploration of Character-Driven SF at SF Signal

This week's Mind Meld at SF Signal is one that science fiction romance fans can strongly relate to: You Gotta Have Character: Character-Driven Science Fiction Stories With Plenty of Sense of Wonder.

Participants include Lyda Morehouse, Helen Lowe, Lynne Thomas, Judith Tarr, Daniel Abraham, and yours truly.

Happy reading!

Stephen King alters Dallas history

Stephen King alters Dallas history

Wow, what an opportunity to see Stephen King Live in Dallas!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Ziggy Stardust Guide....

I really like Copyblogger as a learning resource for my writing business and was really struck with this morning's blog. Thought I'd share it with the peeps.

The Ziggy Stardust Guide to Glamorous Space Age Super Stardom.

Not only interesting, but good advice.

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Members

Please give a big hail and welcome to our newest members.  Click on the links to visit their sites.

Kerry Vail

Joanne Elder

Maureen O. Betita

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Total-E-Bound Seeks Erotic Steampunk/Steampunk Romance

I just ran across this post at All About Romance: Total-E-Bound is seeking erotic steampunk/steampunk romance submissions:

Total-E-Bound Publishing, a leading Erotic Romance Publisher, is now accepting submissions between 10,000 words and 100,000+ words in the steampunk genre:

Steamy stories set in a might-have-been world of clockwork technology. Join naughty neo-Victorians—from mad scientists to erotic automata—in their inventive adventures.

Happy writing!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Reviewers' Choice Awards Includes Nominee Joely Sue Burkhart For LADY DOCTOR WYRE

I'm cross-posting this cool news from The Galaxy Express:

This just in: RT Book Reviews recently posted the list of nominees from the Reviewers' Choice Best Book Awards. Among them, in the "Best Paranormal/Fantasy/Science Fiction Erotic Romance" category, is Joely Sue Burkhart for LADY DOCTOR WYRE (Samhain Publishing)!

Way to go, Ms. Burkhart!

You can read the author's announcement post here.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

List of Small Press/Epublishers Who Accept SFR Submissions

Hi, folks!

I recently updated my list of small press/epublishers who accept science fiction romance submissions. There are 19 so far. If you know of any reputable publishers that should be on the list, please visit and leave a comment.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Melisse Aires is celebrating the release of 


She's on my blog today talking about her plot process for this book!

Stop by and leave a comment. Here's a quick link: Kaye's Blog


SFR Brigade Bases of Operation