Welcome to the monthly SFR Brigade's Amazon Tag Party. Please find the list of this week's participating titles below. All you need to do is click on the title and it will take you to the relevant Amazon page. Happy Tagging!
A brief step by step guide:
1.Go to the Amazon buy page (links provided below)
2.Scroll down to the 'Tags Customers Associate with this Product' header. Please be aware that not all the tags show up on the books - you will; need to click 'show all (number of) tags' to see the full list. There's also a limit to how many tags you can agree with - 15 - so choose wisely my young apprentice!
3.Look for these tags: SFR, Scifi Romance, SF Romance, Science Fiction Romance and Paranormal Romance - please feel free to add any extra tags you feel are appropriate to the work (i.e. Space Opera, Military SF, etc.)
4.If the tags are already there, just click on them to add your 'vote'
5.You can also type into the 'your tags' box to add your own (no need to save the page, just type and add)
6. Please also click the 'Like' button next to the title.
7. If you could also take a moment to 'Like' the author's Amazon page too, that would be awesome. :)
15 Cinderella Fantasy/PNR FairyTale Retellings
VS Note: Portions of this post first appeared in the Roswell Daily Record…
The Disney movie “Cinderella” recently marked its 75th anniversary, which
has pr...
17 hours ago