Question List for Publishers

This is a suggested list of questions for publishers to get you started  You can adlib, add or delete questions as you'd like.


Would you like to share a little history about (insert publishing house name)?

Who are your key personnel?

What are the most common reasons a novel (especially a Science Fiction Romance novel) is rejected?

What are the biggest mistakes new authors make?

What do you look for in a Science Fiction Romance submission?

What grabs your attention, makes you sit up and want to read more?

How far do you read into a submission before you know if the novel is right for you?

Do you have recommendations or requirements regarding "heat levels" of submissions?

Tell me about a few of your favorite/best-selling Science Fiction Romances novels. What really stood out in these stories that made them unique? (They can include covers, blurbs and links here if they’d like)

What are you looking for right now? What kinds of submissions would you like to see pop up in your e-queries? Anything you’re dying to see more of? Steampunk? Futuristic? Space Opera? Any dream novels?

(And of course, be sure to thank them for their time.)

Here's our current line up:

Devine Destinies - Frances Pauli (May 17th AM) -- CONFIRMED

Samhain - Sheryl Nantus (May 17th PM)

Carina Press -- Heather Massey (May 18th)

Ellora's Cave - Barbara Elsborg (May 19th AM)  -- CONFIRMED

Liquid Silver Books - D. L. Jackson (May 19th PM)

Red Rose Publishing - Sandra Stixrude (May 20th AM)

Lyrical Press  - Aubrie Dionne (May 20th PM) -- CONFIRMED

Mundania -- Arlene Webb via Marie Dees (May 21st AM)

Shadowfire Press -- Arlene Webb (May 21st PM)

SFR Brigade Bases of Operation