
Monday, October 20, 2014

Meet the #Author Monday - Sheryl Nantus

Please tell us a bit about yourself:

Well, let's see – I started writing years ago and actually cut my chops writing fanfiction! Yes, it's still out there in all its horrible glory, my X-Files, Stargate SG-1 and other fanfics… But aside from improving my writing it also got me my hubby who discovered me through my fanfiction and wrote me an email and I wrote him back and so on and so on… we've been together for 21 years and married for 14 so don't neglect your fan mail!

Tell us about IN THE VOID:

IN THE VOID is Sean's story in my series, Tales from the Edge. Each book focuses on an individual member of the crew of the Bonnie Belle and this is Sean's story about how he came onto the Belle and what might make him leave.

What inspired you to write this particular story?:

I wanted to focus on Sean because he's a sweet tortured man and who doesn't love a man like that! It also allowed me to show the other characters on board and how they all relate to each other and despite their difference how they bind together to fight a common foe.

Please share a favourite snippet from your book:

I love this bit at the very beginning where Catherine Rogers discovers exactly what the Bonnie Belle is all about…

“What sort of ship is this?” She couldn’t help sighing as he spread the white ointment over the burned areas. “Touring? An acting troupe?” She could see him on the stage doing a soliloquy, maybe Shakespeare. The crew had, in the few moments she’d seen them, seemed to fit the image.
He looked up at her, his blue eyes twinkling. “A Mercy ship.”
Her breath caught in her throat. “A what?”
“My name is Sean, Sean Harrison. And this is, as we said before, the Bonnie Belle. A Mercy ship. We caught your emergency call and responded since there was no one else around.”
“A—” She couldn’t bring herself to say the words.
“A brothel. Whorehouse. Ship of ill repute.” He applied a thick dollop on her leg, concentrating below her knee. “It’s nothing we haven’t heard before. And a lot worse.”
“A Mercy ship.” She spat the words back at him. “Of all the—”
She couldn’t finish the sentence. Fate had it in for her, that much was certain.
A damned Mercy ship. 
Which comes first for you – a character's looks, personality or name?:

Their personality, for sure! I want characters that the reader can relate to to a certain degree – in Catherine's case it's a search to do what's right despite the personal cost. In Sean's case it's looking to escape from a horrific past and help people find love and comfort out on the edge of civilization.

Any tips for aspiring authors?:

Write. Write a lot. Write harder. And don't stop. Even when you get rejection notices, low sales and no reviews. Keep. Writing.

Questions for fun:
If you had the power of time travel, is there anything you would go back and change? Why/why not?:

I'd probably go back and tell my past self to dump that guy sooner. You know, THAT GUY. Whose name I'm not going to say because he KNOWS WHO HE IS.

What super-power would you choose?:

Flight. Just to bypass all the traffic and get to my Starbuck's and Panera Bread faster.

If you could have three wishes, what would they be?:

Good health, immortality and the ability to make perfect tea every time.

Coffee, tea or wine?:

Please see above.
What is your favourite book? (aside from one of your own!):

I'm quite attached to the In Death series by J.D. Robb and love the first one, Naked in Death. It introduces Eve Dallas, Roarke and sets up a wonderfully futuristic world and characters you love to love. And a hot romance to boot!

Favourite genre and why?:

D. All of the above.

Seriously, I read everything. Romance, non-fiction, action/adventure, science fiction… if you looked at my shelves you'd wonder how many people live in my house. (Hint: I'm married and have no kids.) You'd think I had hundreds!

Favourite colour?:

Plaid. Tartans turn me on.
Upcoming news and plans for the future?:

More books in the Tales from the Edge series, to be sure! There's so many stories to be told on the Bonnie Belle… and I plan to tell them all!

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us!


Twitter: SherylNantus

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