
Monday, February 17, 2014

Meet the #Author Monday - Shona Husk

Please tell us a bit about yourself: I write paranormal and sci-fi romance. I love creating new worlds and exploring them with my characters. When I’m not writing I love to cook (with chocolate) or read.

Tell us about Lunar Reunion: Lunar Reunion is the second in my Decadent Moon series. Decadent Moon is an alien pleasure resort, there are no humans, so it’s lots of fun creating all the different aliens. As the title suggests it is a lovers’ reunited story.

What inspired you to write this particular story?: A couple of different things inspired this story, one was the second chance at love. The other was the idea of an alien with really white, rough skin and absolutely no hair. The hero had been in my mind for a while, but I wasn’t sure if people were going to be into his telepathic tentacles. However I saw on twitter one day quite a bit of discussion about tentacles and I thought I might as well just write it and see what happens.

Please share a favourite snippet from your book:

His tentacles had fascinated her. They weren’t alive in their own right—not like some species who had formed a symbiotic relationship with another creature. On a Klokian they were like extra limbs, or sensory organs. The Klokian were telepathic and it was their tentacles that picked up the thoughts for them to read.

Filid had let her touch them once after they’d had a couple of drinks and their guards had been down. Tentacles no thicker than her finger had wrapped softly around her wrist, caressed her skin. Heat had flared in his eyes that she didn’t need to be telepathic to read. And she’d no doubt he’d been able to read her like a plex screen. She’d wanted him even though she couldn’t have him—not without them both losing their jobs. After that there’d been less than accidental contact as if they were magnets that couldn’t pull away. Despite the risks they’d danced around each other even though they both knew it couldn’t go any further.

The untapped desire had frustrated them both to the point where lust had become anger. They hadn’t parted friends. She shivered as the memory swirled through her blood and twisted in her belly. Never fixing things with Filid was the one regret she carried.

Which comes first for you – a character's looks, personality or name?: Looks and personality usually come first and I have to go hunting for a name.

Any tips for aspiring authors?:
Read a lot and from all different genres and write a lot :)

Questions for fun:
If you had the power of time travel, is there anything you would go back and change? Why/why not?: Hmm that is a tricky one because changing something in the past would affect the future. I’m not sure I’d change anything…however I’d love to go back in time for a sticky beak.

What super-power would you choose?:
I’ve always admired Wolverines knives that shoot out between his knuckles (the healing and long life is also pretty cool).

If you could have three wishes, what would they be?: A never ending supply of dark chocolate, ongoing good health and prosperity for my family.

Coffee, tea or wine?: wine as I don’t drink tea or coffee.

What is your favourite book? (aside from one of your own!): Daggerspell by Katherine Kerr is my all-time favourite.

Favourite genre and why?: Anything which creates new worlds!

Favourite colour?: red or turquoise.

Upcoming news and plans for the future?: I have one more book in the Decadent Moon series coming out later this year, Lunar Dancer. I also have two more paranormal romance books set in the fairy Court of Annwyn out in the second half of the year, The Changeling Soldier and To Love a King.

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us! Thank you for having me :)

Six years ago Filid made the mistake of falling for another officer in the Allied Planetary Military.
He walked away before they both did something they'd regret. Yet he can't get her out of his mind, even now.

Silva has never forgotten Filid, but he is the last person she expects to see on the pleasure resort of Decadent Moon. This time she won't let him walk away without exploring the fantasies she had about being with him.

Filid wants more than one night, and this time he is determined to hold onto her no matter the cost.

Inside Scoop: Filid comes equipped with sexy tentacles that cannot be missed!

Three time ARRA finalist Shona Husk lives in Western Australia at the edge of the Indian Ocean. Blessed with a lively imagination she spent most of her childhood making up stories. As an adult she discovered romance novels and hasn’t looked back. Drawing on history and myth, she writes about heroes who are armed and dangerous but have a heart of gold—sometimes literally.

With stories ranging from sensual to scorching, she is published with Carina Press, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing and Sourcebooks. You can find out more at 

1 comment:

  1. >I wasn’t sure if people were going to be into his telepathic tentacles.

    I am! I am! I just finished LUNAR REUNION--thanks for the tentacle action! Very sensual and consensual! I hope more authors of sci-fi romance follow in your footsteps!


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