
Monday, April 16, 2012

New Member, Kathleen Scott

Please give a big welcome to our newest member, Kathleen Scott.

Please tell us a little about yourself

Gee, I don't know where to start. It's always hard for me to talk about myself. Ask me about my books and I'll run on forever. Myself, not so much. 
Let's see, I cut my writing teeth on high fantasy, though I've always had a love affair with science fiction. I come by that naturally as my father was a huge sci-fi fan. I think I got hooked first watching original Star Trek reruns back in the late 60's early 70's and I never stopped loving it. 

My first published book was a novella for Red Sage Secrets titled, Fatal Error, a futuristic that had a megalomaniaccomputer running the government and a hot geeky hero trying to stop the program he'd created- because why wouldn't I have that? Right? I'm a complete softy for a geek. I even tend to get all gooey over physicists. I once composed an email to Michio Kaku to ask about trans-dimensional travel and multiverses, but had a complete fangirl meltdown before hitting send. I never did send the email. Ha!

I guess my love of geeks is why I married one. He's a comic book artist/writer/V.O. actor who works at a DIY store to support his creative side. We share our home with a beautiful mutt with more love than sense, but she's a sweetheart. 

We’d love to hear more about your book, 
I generally write several books at the same time crossing genres and timelines. I've just finished the second book in my Sophite series (which started with Bad Religion) for Loose ID. The working title is Sacred Sacrifices and follows the journey of Sophite priestess, Jerella. Here's a blurb:

Sophite adja Jerella Montegro has crossed the length of the Sangrah Provinces to connect with a Unarion she’s only communicated with in her mind. Hunted by the theocrats on an order of execution, she has risked everything to come to the aid of the psychic sect she’s only heard of in stories. To bring them into the rebel fold with the Sophites and Drumas, it’s worth any price—including her life.

Unarion psychic Veric has spent the last few years mourning the betrayal of his lover, Keis, to the theocratic guards. Now, with the construction of a tower near the borders of his homeland, and the rift of a nexus opening in the city of Rimfel, he needs Jerella’s help to defeat the theocrats and their sinister plans once and for all. 

Guard General Keis has given his all to the uniform he wears if only to bring his secret agenda to fruition. With Jerella and Veric in his crosshairs, he can’t lose. For what’s the promise of the future without a few sacrifices?

Would you like to share any upcoming projects?  

My novel Water Mark comes out in print from Samhain in May. That's the second in my Jumpers series about a U.S. military team in the future who run missions to the other dimensions that connect with ours. Lots of intrigue, action and romance. 
It's also available in ebook in various formats. 

What do you like about writing SFR?
Oh, geez, what's not to like? I get to explore cultures and star systems and tech. I can let my imagination run wild...or at the speed of light...and still be home in time to cook supper. I can get as weirdly off the hook as I want to be and make sense with it. 

What do you find challenging about it?
I'll be honest, my books run more to space opera than hard science. Though I love hard science, I don't necessarily want to lecture my readers on the principles of faster than light travel or the equations behind such theories. I love reader authors who do that and my hat goes off to them, but I have to be true to me. My main goal is to tell a good story and transport the reader to a different time and place. That's the challenge no matter what genre I'm writing in, it never changes. 

What is your favorite SF book or movie?
There are so many, I can't pick just one, but I have often said I want to live on Deep Space Nine. More recently, I've decided I'd also like to live in Eureka. 

If you could have a robot that did one chore/task and only one, what would you choose? 
*snickers* That's such a loaded question. 

What SFR book would you most like to be stranded in and with whom?
I love Catherine Asaro's Skolian Empire. 

Favorite mode of fictional travel?
In Water Mark there is a jumper ship called the Nautilus. I think I'd like to travel in that one. It might not get me off-planet, but it does get me to several dimensions. 

 Bio: Kathleen Scott lives and works out of the area of New Jersey known as the Highlands, where she spends most of her time dreaming of space pirates and intergalactic jaunts. When not writing she is earth-bound with her hubby, Dave and loving canine unit, Lily. You can find her on twitter @MKMancosKScott or Facebook under Kat Mancos. website:


  1. Fun interview and welcome to the Brigade!

  2. Hi Kathleen and welcome!

    Love your Bad Religion title and your premise for Water Mark. Definitely more books for my TBR pile! :)

    So glad you joined us here at the Brigade.

  3. Welcome to the Brigade!!! Enjoyed the interview!

  4. Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. Is there a place where we can find other members' twitters and they can find us? I'd like to find other Brigade members to follow.

  5. Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. Is there a place where we can find other members' twitters and they can find us? I'd like to find other Brigade members to follow.

  6. There is a list of twitter and FB and I think Goodreads links on the facebook page?

  7. Nice to meet you, Kathleen!

    Awesome cover!


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