
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Publisher/Accepts Spec Fic

A new e-publisher will be opening its doors soon and is accepting submissions now. Musa Publishing is open to submissions of contemporary and historical romance, erotic romance, horror, historical fiction, mystery, all kinds of speculative fiction including fantasy, science fiction and paranormal and YA. They’re open to all lengths of stories. Check out their detailed submission guidelines here.
The team behind Musa have worked for other epublishers and some of them are authors also.  They pay royalties of 50 percent of the cover price for books sold on the Musa store and 50 percent of net for sales to third-party retailers such as Amazon, Diesel e-books, etc. They plan to release as ebooks first, then trade paper for some titles. Royalty on print copies is 15 percent. Find an explanation of their terms here.
Musa plans to release its first titles in October


  1. Great information, thanks for the heads up.

  2. Saw this mentioned when my own publisher (MuseItUp) wanted to clarify they were not the same company.

    It's always good to have more places writers can publish without the onerous "self-pubbed" hanging over one's head.

    Of course, the sneers from the Big Six published authors will continue. Just look at Absolute Write for pure hate for no particular reason. That's why I withdrew from that forum. Venom was too widespread.


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