
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday Tag Party for 6/23/11!

I know I usually start these with something fun and tongue-in-cheek, but today, we'll stay on the serious side. The Tags have returned to Amazon, as promised, but some of the recovery has been more successful than other bits of it.

Please check your Kindle books. Paperbacks were not affected. Some tag lists came back online whole and with all the picks intact, some did not, returning instead with "suggested tags" which may or may not have much to do with the work.

If you have a book for which the tags did not reload properly, please let me know. I'll be happy to rerun the title in the Tag Party.

And now, because of our little Amazon-induced hiatus, I have a little bit of a backlog of requests. On to the tagging. :)

First time Tagging? We promise to be gentle. (No! Put that down! I said gentle!):

* Go to the Amazon buy page (I've included the links below)

* Scroll down to the Tags Customers Associate with this Product header

* Look for these tags: SFR, Scifi Romance, SF Romance, Science Fiction Romance and Paranormal Romance - please feel free to add any extra tags you feel are appropriate to the work (i.e. Space Opera, Military SF, etc.)

* Don't forget your SFR Brigade Tag!

* If the tags are already there, just click on them to add your 'vote'

* If not, type them into the 'your tags' box to add them (no need to save the page, just type and add)

* Don't forget the "Like" button at the top of the page!

For a list of past Tag Party books, come on over to the Book Launch and Tag Party Books page. Tagging is always welcome.

On to our Tag targets for this week!

Dreamspell Steampunk Volume 1 featuring Pauline Baird Jones and Heather Massey

Ashes by Arlene Webb

Myths of the Gods by Leigh M. Lane (our own Lisa Lane)

Splintered Energy by Arlene Webb

The Tag Party is always searching for your work, old or new. If you'd like your work featured in the weekly Tag Party, or if you know where Waldo is (he owes me $20), please drop me a line at


  1. Yay! Tags are back! I have tagged once more!

  2. Bagged and Tagged.

    Arlene Webb visited my blog a few days ago about her book, Ashes. It was nice to see her here too.

  3. Cool beans! Can't wait to continue. Thanks for including the Dreamspell anthology.

  4. Tagged and liked. Thanks for including MYTHS OF GODS!

  5. forgot to say thanks for the anthology! woot!

  6. Thank you for the tags, I'm off to return the favor, and yes, Marva's blog is lovely. She's hosted an entire month of some exceptional suspense-mystery books. My kindle holds many of them, now.


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