
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday Tag Party for 4/7/11!

Back from L.A. - ah, what a marvelous city. Something for everyone. My favorite part of the trip was the Griffith Observatory. But, Sandra, the light pollution there must be horrendous!

Yes, though it wasn't in the 1800's when the observatory was built. Now it's a public observatory, which is the most wonderful of concepts. We got to view Sirius through the 12-inch Zeiss and one of the nice docents with the personal telescopes out on the lawn showed us Saturn's rings. (And they turned on the Tesla Coil! How cool!)

Their motto: Inspiring the future, one imagination at a time. I think that's what SF writers need to strive for as well. That, and Tagging. Oh, did I mention we have a couple of fun books to Tag? Oh, all caught up.

For our first time Tag-universe explorers, a brief pre-flight check:

* Go to the Amazon buy page (I've included the links below)

* Scroll down to the Tags Customers Associate with this Product header

* Look for these tags: SFR, Scifi Romance, SF Romance, Science Fiction Romance and Paranormal Romance - please feel free to add any extra tags you feel are appropriate to the work (i.e. Space Opera, Military SF, etc.)

* Don't forget your SFR Brigade Tag!

* If the tags are already there, just click o
n them to add your 'vote'

* If not, type them int
o the 'your tags' box to add them (no need to save the page, just type and add)

For a list of past Tag Party books, come on over to the Book Launch and Tag Party Books page. Tagging is always welcome.

On to our Tag targets for this week!

The Spiral Path by Lisa Paitz Spindler

Pelinas: The Enemy Within (Anchorage Book 4) by Sandra C. Stixrude


  1. Done.

    Glad you had a nice trip, Sandra!

  2. Jumping on the tag wagon a little late (nothing new, huh?) but I never miss a tag party!

  3. No, you don't Ms. Laurie - and we appreciate that!


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