
Monday, November 1, 2010

Hailing On All Frequencies!

Barbara Elsborg's LUCY IN THE SKY (already released in e-book format with Ellora's cave) is coming out in print sometime next year.

CARNAL MOON is Mel Teshco's latest release from Ellora's Cave and is available from October 28th, 2010.

Pauline Baird Jones has just found out her SFR entry, GIRL GONE NOVA, is a finalist in the Epic Book Awards in the SFR section. Congratulations! 

Jaleta Clegg has had three stories release just this past week. The first is The Last Man Anthology by Sword & Saga Press and takes the theme of "The Last ___" and expands into all sorts of intriguing possibilities. Her story, "Omega Museum", deals with a society where men died off several generations back. Cloning is keeping humanity alive, but only females survive and that rate is dropping. The prime display at the museum is a cryogenically preserved vial of the last sperm. Could it hold the key to bringing men back to life?

Rotting Tales: A Zombie Anthology, by Pill Hill Press, used the cover art to inspire zombie stories. From silly to psycho, these tales will keep you entertained well past your bedtime. In "Always a Bridesmaid", Great-Aunt Tildie decides she's had enough of being a bridesmaid. It's her turn to be a bride. Only trouble is she's dead, but she isn't about to let that stop her from hijacking her great-niece's wedding and stealing the groom.

"Just Like the Movies", by Bewildering Stories, documents man's last stand against the zombie apocalypse. Sort of. It's just three hunting buddies holed up in their cabin. Until a professor-turned-wizard shows up with his book of spells to tip the balance. Bewildering Stories is a free online 'zine. 
The others are print anthologies.

Pauline B.Jones is having a contest over at AuthorIsland in the lead up to her release of TANGLE IN TIME, her first steampunk/SFR novella. Go to her website contest page to get details on how to enter. 

Marcella Burnard was Nalini Singh's guest author this week. Nalini was so impressed with her book, ENEMY WITHIN, she invited Marcella to visit and talk about it - check out this post for the interview.

Pauline B.Jones has been interviewed about her books over at The Galaxy Express.

Over at Kylie Griffin's blog this week...
30th Oct. - "Welcome to the DarkSide!" A promo for the new blog site of Australian and New Zealand authors who write speculative fiction with romantic elements, be it fantasy, futuristic, paranormal, urban fantasy and everything in between.
2nd Nov. - "Going on an agent hunt..." (part 1) - how to find an agent
5th Nov. - "Do you have a full ms ready to enter the RWOz Emerald?"
9th Nov. - "Going on an agent hunt..." (part 2)

RT is surveying readers and there's a section on genres with a subscriber and non-subscriber link.

The Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter Blog has an interesting post called It's All About the Writing - Or is it? - it discusses what catches a reader/editor's eye.

The Dark Side DownUnder launches its new blog site of Australian and New Zealand authors who write speculative fiction with romantic elements, be it fantasy, futuristic, paranormal, urban fantasy and everything in between on Halloween (October 31st).
Please support fellow Brigader members - Mel Teshco, Maree Anderson, Jess Anastasi, Michelle de Rooy & Kylie Griffin - by dropping by and saying hi!

Over at the Galaxy Express it looks like SFR is making its way into Europe, and one of our own is forging the way (Linnea Sinclair) - Breaking News: SFR Authors to Be Released in Germany.

"Finding Your Character's Voice" is a good read over at Ripping Ozzie Reads (Spec Fic authors).


  1. It's great to see SFR Brigade becoming the go-to place for SFR news.

    I have something coming at you, Kylie.

  2. I ditto that "this is THE sfr new place" and also say thank you!

  3. And mega congrats for all the other news! (can you tell i'm flustered or perhaps monday'd!)

  4. Another fabulous roundup, Kylie. Thanks so much!


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