
Monday, August 9, 2010

"Wild Cards and Iron Horses" Book Launch Party!

It's time to saddle up and get those airships aloft! Yes, folks - "Wild Cards and Iron Horses releases in a few hours from Samhain Publishing!

First, the blurb and excerpt - but keep on reading to find out about the giveaway!

Their love rides on a spring and a prayer…

During the recent Civil War, a soldier risked his life to save Jonathan Handleston—and lost. With the help of an advanced metal brace on his crippled hand, Jon now travels from one poker tournament to the next, determined to earn enough money to repay the man’s debt.

Prosperity Ridge is supposed to be the last stop on his quest, but his brace is broken and he needs an engineer to repair the delicate mechanisms. The only one available is Samantha Weatherly, a beautiful anomaly in a world ruled by men.

Sam is no fool. Jon is no different from any other gambler—except for his amazing prosthetic. Despite a demanding project to win a critical contract to develop an iron horse, she succumbs to the lure of working on the delicate mechanisms. And working with the handsome Englishman.

Like a spring being coiled, Samantha and Jon are inexorably drawn together. Sam begins to realize honor wears many faces, and she becomes the light at the end of Jon’s journey to redemption. The only monkey wrench is Victor, a rival gambler who will stop at nothing to make sure Jon misses the tournament. Even destroy Jon’s and Sam’s lives.

Now available at Samhain Publishing, and coming soon to other fine ebookstores!

But wait, there's more!

I'm going to give away a copy of "Wild Cards and Iron Horses" to one lucky person - all you have to do is post a reply to this post before Thursday, August 12th at 9:00 pm EST.

But wait...

IF I receive more than twenty posts, I'll toss in a paperback copy of my most favorite steampunk/gaslamp fantasy series, Girl Genius!

Volume 7 - Agatha Heterodyne and the Voice of the Castle

Jump into this Hugo-winning series feet-first and you won't be disappointed!

BUT... you only get the ebook and the paperback if I get more than twenty responses to this post!

So who wants to grab the next airship for the Wild Wild West?


  1. Okay, I'll leave the first comment. And, if I have to, I'll start making up aliases to get us past 20 ;)

  2. Oh, I'd love a copy of this ebook! It looks interesting and different and fun. :) Same for Girl Genius--I've read a few pages online, and what I've seen so far I've enjoyed.

  3. Oh, darn it, that last comment was me. Does this count towards the 20, if I have to post to identify myself properly?

    ~Angela James

  4. Sounds really good. Looking forward to reading it when i can

  5. *laughs*

    No, now that you've "outed" yourself, silly!


    I don't think we'll have much trouble getting to the 20, myself...

  6. I definitely want to read this book-- count me in!

    -KV Taylor

  7. Wooh, I'm in, I'm in--*Cincoflex*

  8. Throwing my name in the hat because this sounds like a fun, entertaining read.

  9. Sounds like a great read, Sheryl! Oh, and I love the title.

    I'm in, I'm in. :)

  10. woo hoo, I'm in and I KNOW it'll be good :)

  11. Oooh! Oooh! I am so in!

  12. Congrats Sheryl! This sounds like a read not to be missed. Good luck!

  13. CONGRATS, Sheryl! BEAUTIFUL cover - you must be so pleased!

  14. Sounds like a fun read! Count me in, too.

  15. Congratulations!!! Love the cover and the concept sounds so cool! Hope the book rocks the reading house!

  16. I'll add to the batch. I'm looking into steam punk. I've done historical western, so I can't be too many steps away, right?

  17. This sounds like an interesting read. I'm fairly new to the steampunk genre. I discovered it reading The Smutketeers' Wasteland series, and really enjoyed it.

  18. Congrats on the new release, Sheryl! I had too much fun with Blaze and I've been looking forward to this one!

  19. Oh please let me be the lucky person!!! Good luck Sheryl. Does a "snorgle" count towards bonus points?

  20. I'm happy to put the count over 20! The giveaway sounds super fun and I love to get a copy of this title!

  21. Congratulations on the book! I'm not that familiar with Steampunk, besides knowing what it is, but this sounds very accessible for anyone looking for a little romance and adventure.

  22. I'm a newbie to steampunk and would love to read this. Especially since the redemption theme is my personal favourite.


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