
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thursday Tag Party for 8/12/10 - Sequels

Thursday. The city twitched in its uneasy sleep like a cat with a bad conscience. A lone figure filtered from shadow to shadow in the dark alleys like some lost gnat in a seedy gin joint, searching...

For books to Tag, of course.

OK, so I'm not Raymond Chandler, but it is time for another lovely list of members' works to Tag. Why? Because the more we tag, the more the community grows. More tags, higher search engine rankings, more visibili
ty - it's the little things that add up!

If you've never tagged before - a brief run
  • Go to the Amazon buy page (I've included the links below)
  • Scroll down to the Tags Customers Associate with this Product header
  • Look for these tags: SFR, Scifi Romance, SF Romance, Science Fiction Romance and Paranormal Romance - please feel free to add any extra tags you feel are appropriate to the work (i.e. Space Opera, Military SF, etc.)
  • If the tags are already there, just click on them to add your 'vote'
  • If not, type them into the 'your tags' box to add them (no need to save the page, just type and add)
For a list of past Tag Party books, come on over to the Book Launch and Tag Party Books page. There's no such thing as a late tag.

This week, I thought we'd do some sequels:

Linnea Sinclair Hope's Folly

Katherine Allred Close Contact
Gini Koch Alien Tango

But, wait Sandra, this one hasn't released yet! By golly, you're right - and we can still tag it. Cool, huh?

Go out and Tag, folks. If we don't support each other, how can we expect the reading public to?

Have a book out on Amazon that we haven't featured yet? Know an SFRB member who does? Send me a message (it'll have to be email since my ansible is on the fritz) at and I'll add you to the schedule.


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