
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Member, Eve Langlais

Good morning, fellow Brigaders! I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of our newest recruits, Eve Langlais. Please join me in giving her a hearty welcome to the SFR Brigade.

Welcome, Eve. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hi, I’m a mom of three going slightly crazy with all the kids home for the summer, not to mention they keep multiplying as their friends come over too lol. In an attempt to keep my sanity, I write and some of the things I come up with, well, it would seem all my years of juggling family & work have driven me slightly nutty judging by some of the warped things I come up with.

I've heard great things about your Alien Mate series, what can you tell us about it?

Ah yes, my very popular and well-reviewed Alien Mate. In the first Alien Mate, a hunky, muscled, very naked blue alien suddenly appears in plump Diana’s living room. When he declares he’s come to be her leader, she laughs--hard. But her laughter soon turns into lustier thoughts and actions when her blue ET abducts her, determined to make her his mate. Alien lovers clamored for a sequel and so just recently Alien Mate 2 released. This time a new blue alien with an awesome physique comes to Earth to claim his mate and right from the beginning things go wrong. From a malfunctioning teleporter, to the US military chasing him, our poor alien’s mission is fraught with difficulties. But nothing compares to his dilemma when he realizes the earthling he wants for his very own, isn’t the one his ancestors chose for him. If you’re looking for an erotic tale of alien love, then either or both should satisfy your craving.

What do you enjoy the most about writing Science Fiction Romance?

I love the creation aspect of Sci-Fi. A writer can take the ‘What if’ scenario to any height they wish. New worlds, new beings and technologies, the only limit is the imagination.

You write across several other genres as well, can you tell us more
about your other works?

I’ve done two fantasy novels, Take A Chance and The Hunter. In Take A Chance, I created my own modern fairytale replete with a wicked witch and for the hero, a handsome captive wizard. In The Hunter, my heroine is a single mom struggling with young twins. When her violent ex, who is not quite human, kidnaps one of her kids, her hunky neighbor comes to the rescue and the results are magical.

Then there’s my paranormal work starting with my upcoming release titled Lucifer’s Daughter. Muriel, a princess of Hell, only wants to find /‘the one’, /however when your father is the king of lies, that’s not an easy task. Especially when a lot of the males she meets are out to kill her. Coming August ninth with Liquid Silver, prepare to have your view of Heaven and Hell changed.

As a writing mom as well, I'm interested in any tips you have on
finding those spare moments to write?

Ha! With the kids out of school it’s taking twice as long to write and accomplish things, especially since Dora is a running theme song in the background. The trick is playdates to keep them occupied and lots of popsicles. Oh and Advil, lots of Advil.

What's next for you? Do you have any projects coming up you'd like to
share with us?

I’ve got edits on several pieces coming up, like Wickedest Witch and Crazy. I’m finishing work on a paranormal piece titled Last Minion Standing and have begun outlining a third Alien Mate—this time the big blue guy is the one to be kidnapped lol. My website is a great place for folks to peek to see what’s upcoming as I am a dedicated updater.

Where can we find you on the web?

For more on me including books, excerpts, my blog and more see my website @

Thanks to the SFR brigade for interviewing me and happy reading!


  1. Yet another great interview! Congrats to you.

  2. great interview, and love how you're promoting your upcoming release. I'm looking forward to grabbing it.

  3. Great interview! Welcome Eve. It's great getting to know you.

  4. Hey Ladies and thanks for saying Hi!




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