
Friday, May 28, 2010

We've Got PRISM Finalists!

Stop by The Galaxy Express for the scoop, but I'll give you a little spoiler.  We've got not one, not two...but FOUR Brigaders in the PRISM finals!

Congrats to all of you!  (Pop on over to TGE to see who they are.)

Who's planning to be at the FF&P The Gathering this year for the announcement of winners?


  1. Wahoo, look at us go! Congratulations, ladies!

    I expect to be at The Gathering. Have they announced anything about it since the move to Orlando?

  2. Congrats to all my fellow finalists. I can truly say it's an honor to be in your company.

    Unfortunately, I won't be in Orlando. *sigh* Really wish I could go.

  3. I know, I know!

    And if you miss going over to TGE then you'll find out here on SFRB when the first Hailing On All Frequencies is posted!

    Keep your eyes glued to this space. :-)

    Congratulations to the fabulous four!

  4. Thank you, guys! Like Katherine, I'm so honored to be a finalist with all of these talented ladies. It still looks funny to see my name there with them. Not sure I'll get used to it. And yes, I will be in Orlando. *nervous gulp*

    Congratulations to all the finalists! I read all of the futuristic category finalists & loved them all. All three deserve to win!

  5. Thanks everyone! I should be there. It will be fun.

  6. Congrats o all the finalists! You guys are great, everyone of you!

  7. Congratulations!!! Yippeeeeee!!!!! Well done all of you.

  8. Yes, I'll be at The Gathering to meet and cheer for all of you!


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