
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sharon Lynn Fisher to be Interviewed

Brigader Sharon Lynn Fisher will be interviewed May 20 by Elisabeth Naughton:

Elisabeth is spotlighting 20 Golden Heart finalists (two per week) leading up to RWA nationals in July. Sharon's focus is going to be about not being afraid to dream — about how Stephenie Meyer’s success story inspired her, and how, by following her advice, she found GH success and eventually signed with Meyer's agency.

The post will also include Sharon's bio, how she found an agent, her favorite authors, as well as more information about her writing history and plans.

Mark your calendar and be sure to drop by and post a comment on May 20th to support a fellow Brigader.


  1. Looking forward to this one. Gonna be a great interview.

  2. So am I looking forward to this! Congrats again Sharon. Great to have an agent! You are truly on your way!


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