
Monday, May 24, 2010

Blogging at Romance That's Out of This World!

I was invited to write a blog about why I write and read science fiction romance at Romance That's Out of This World.  My post will be up all week and at the end there is a prize: a print copy of The Key. My post is called "Science Fiction - Not Just for Geeks" and talks about my journey to the science fiction side of books. I hope that other Brigaders will stop by and share why they read/write SF and SFR, and why they love the genre. And while you're there, recommend some old and new favorites. Maybe we can recruit some readers like me, who didn't know who much they'd like SFR until they tried one. :-)
Girl Gone Nova
"A spectacular ride!" Romantic Times

For most females of her acquaintance, a parasol was the final touch in a proper ensemble, but Miss Olivia Carstairs never felt completely dressed without her derringer.
From Tangled In Time, 12/2010


  1. Sounds fun, Pauline!

  2. It was fun, thanks, AnnaM! I've been a bit fearful about admitting I'm not a geek AND that I write SFR, but have had wonderful support for those with real creds! Most grateful for that. :-)


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