
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We've Got Finalists!

SFR Brigade would like to congratulate members Kylie Griffin and Eden Glenn on their finals in the 2010 Winter Rose sponsored by the Yellow Rose Romance Writers.

We understand Kylie Griffin's novel is a SFR, so she has placed on the finalists standings and also earned a point. (Eden's entry was a fantasy/paranormal romance.)

The Yellow Rose Romance Writers is proud to announce the finalists in the
2010 Winter Rose Contest! Congratulations to all the finalists!

Finalists are listed in random order.

Paranormal - TIE:
A Soul For Trouble by Christa McHugh
Silent Moon by Sarina Dorie
Dragon's Mark by Eden Glenn
Dark Shadows by Kylie Griffin


  1. Congratulations, Kylie and Eden.


  2. Wow. Much congrats. Looking forward to sooo many great things to read.

  3. Congrats to all the finalists and good luck!

  4. ::passes around pitchers of cyber-Sangria...::

  5. Confetti and cyber Sangria. My fav. Thanks for the congrats every one. I'm fingers crossed for a great finish. The same ms in an earlier edited version was 2nd place in the Beacon unpub. I'm working on the second in the series but as a stand alone.

    Then I found this group. An earlier ms is very much SFR. I love the SF genre and a lot of my fav reads were SF with romantic elements.
    So perhaps my next WIP can be more SF

    thanks again

    Eden Glenn
    2nd pl Beacon Un Pub
    Winter Rose finalist

  6. Thanks, everyone! Like Eden my SFR ms was written a while back but underwent significant editing in the last few years to improve it. The work's paid off.

    First chapter and blurb are up on my website - - if you're interested. :-)

  7. Congrats Eden and Kylie! My fingers are crossed for you for the final round.


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