
Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Twitter Palooza! NO FOOLIN'

So tonight, those of us on the SFR Brigade have put our great Twitter talents to draw more Stormtroopers who want to combine their love of spaceships, fire fights and star charts with romance that sizzles the pages.
I don't know about you, but I was raised on Captain Kirk and Spock. When I reached the impressionable age of nine, I snuck in to the movies to see "Star Wars". I obsessively watched Star Trek TNG, Deep Space Nine and Voyager.

Yeah, I loved Seven of Nine too. I would switch sides for her.

When the idea for my erotic science fiction story, "Taking Command", came to me, I was well prepared to write sci fi. My Virtual Fantasy Room isn't much different than the holodeck...except my characters use it for entirely different reasons.

In honor of the Science Fiction Romance Brigade, who provides a community for those of us who love romance with our sci fi, I'm giving away ALL THREE ebooks (in pdf form) of the Command series. All you have to do is retweet the tweet (by following JenniferLeeland) or comment here and I'll pick two random winners.

Comment and win. And if you already have the Command series, I'll donate a copy of "Marked For Pleasure".

Now, these books are HOT HOT HOT. SO, if you DON'T like erotic sci fi, you CAN STILL WIN! I'll give away a pdf copy of "Taking Liberty" by Jodi Redford because I LOVE that book.

Have a party! Share your favorite sci fi romance. JOIN US!!!!
And win.

The contest ends tomorrow 4/2/10 at 10pm Eastern (7pm Pacific).


  1. I'd love to read them!! I love all things sci-fi I can't write it, but I still love it :)

  2. Ooooh Kate!!!! I feel the same way about erotic Historicals. Good to see you.

  3. What a generous offer, Jennifer! This looks like fun. I'm off to twitter and blog it now.

    Seven of Nine is my hero. I dressed as her character one Halloween...uh, many moons ago.

  4. I like reading sfr, and I'm trying my hand at writing it, so we'll see how that goes. This seems like a very interesting venture.

  5. Join our community if you'd like, Sasha. Just email sfrpreview [at] gmail [dot] com with your pen name and a web site or blog to link to your name (not required).

  6. There isn't enough sci-fi romance out there! Thanks for the chance to win. :D

  7. I'm just here visiting and giving a shout out to Jen, because she rocks. Don't enter me in the contest, but I'd gladly tweet it for you! :-)

  8. I'm a HUGE fan of sci-fi romances...Kaitlyn O'Connor, Michelle Marquis, Madeleine Montague and so many more.

    Happy Reading

  9. Oh, fun! Thanks for the opportunity, Jennifer!

  10. Just popping by to say Jennifer's Command Series Rocks!

    And I'm off to twitter right now. :)

  11. All of Jen's books rock--even the ones I can't read because they melt my socks. :)

  12. 'Tis Tweeted :)
    And yep, resistance of SFR is paraphrase a dalek :D

  13. Yummy. Drop my name in the hat, Jennifer. I'd love to win some of you novels.
    D L Jackson

  14. What a great cover. That really caught my eye. At last a guy who doesn't look as though he's on steroids!!! I wish you many sales!!


  15. Sounds like fun! Please count me in. Off to retweet your generous giveaway!

  16. Thanks for the awesome response everyone!!
    And Jodi, I'm pretty sure you'd LOVE Jodi Redford's "Taking Liberty". It's hot but there's no melting involved. LOL.

  17. You've been retweeted. I can't believe I wasn't following you on twitter before. Thank goodness you ran this contest so I could come out from under that rock! I love sci-fi romance too, resistance is in fact futile. Soon we'll take over the world. :)

  18. I'm a second generation Trekkie. I remember watching the original series with my Mom. We watched StarTrek:TNG together every week. The first movie I ever saw was Star Wars. I wanted to be Princess Leia.
    Thank God, I married a man who loves them, too. There has never been any objection to going to a midnight showing on opening night of any Star Wars or Star Trek movie.

  19. Cool JenLe! I'm so psyched by this. I look forward to reading these.

  20. I am always wishing there was more sf romance/erotica.

  21. Great post! Thanks Jennifer! I don't think there is any question as to everyone here loving SFR!!

  22. Sweet! I love sci fi and even have a dancing stormtrooper hidden on my webpage. (SEARCH for him, he is my NOT-SO-SECRET CRUSH)

    Miranda ~ Sweet Vernal Zephyr

  23. Hey, I'm commenting cuz I don't tweet (just call me Sylvester), but the books sound SWEET! And here's to all TREK fans, first, second and third gen (yep, I've started my grandson out right with Kirk and Spock and the gang!)

  24. Hey Jennifer - I just read on twitter you have "dirt-faced okie" kids. Does that mean you're a dirt-faced okie too? I am! Or used to be. Now I live in Seattle. But I mountain bike, so I still have dirt on my face. :)

  25. WoooooHooo!!!!!! More sci fi romance lovers!
    I'm diggin' the dancing Stormtrooper

  26. Hey Jenn! Wow, what a great site and community you guys have going on here. Don't enter me in the contest--I already have all of your awesome books and that Taking Liberty one too. Lol. Okay, I'm off to stalk--er--I mean follow you on Twitter and retweet. ;)

  27. LOL, Jodi!
    I was wondering why I wasn't already following you!
    Welcome to the Brigade.

  28. I've just discovered the SFR Brigade and joined with the futuristic fantasy I'm preparing to query. I'm very excited to read more -- thanks for offering the contest, Jennifer.

  29. Hey Jennifer - I just read on twitter you have "dirt-faced okie" kids. Does that mean you're a dirt-faced okie too? I am! Or used to be. Now I live in Seattle. But I mountain bike, so I still have dirt on my face. :)

    I missed this earlier, Sharon!
    LOL!! I'm the Redneck Romance Writer and my husband's name is "The Redneck". I don't usually have much dirt on my face these days. LOL.

    So, the WINNER IS............

    Sophia Parkwood!!!!!

    Thank you to everyone for playing along! have a wonderful Easter!

  30. Congrats, Sophia!!

    Thanks to everyone who joined in the Twitter Palooza and commented here.

    Thanks to all the new Brigaders who just hopped on board. Glad you joined us.

    And thanks to you again, Jennifer, for making this such a great event to end our week. :)

  31. OMG, I won! So cool, I cannot wait to read these stories! Thank you Jen and the SFR Brigade!


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