
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Summer Events

Whew, the summer conferences are coming up at warp speed so it's probably time to talk about the concept of SFR Brigade ambassadors.  Can I get a show of hands who's planning to attend:
  • RT (Romantic Times)? 
    • Do you plan to go to the Intergalactic Bar & Grille?
  • RWA Nationals? 
    • Do you plan to attend the FF&P Gathering?
  • Any of the -cons in the near future?
  • Any other conferences or events?
If you're attending any of the above, would you be willing to do any of the following:
  1. Wear a SFR Brigade button and tell others about the community?
  2. Pass out promotions items or information cards?
  3. Organize informal get-togethers with other Brigade members?
  4. Take photos?
  5. Report back on the conference?
We're working behind the scene on some ideas, so it would help to know what sort of numbers we're talking.  Will the Brigaders be descending upon these unsuspecting events in hordes, or only sending small scouting parties?

Let the plotting planning begin!  :)


  1. I wish I were going to RT or RWA, but alas, not this year. :-(

    I might make it to a few small, local (North Texas) cons this year.

  2. I'm heading to Origins, a gaming convention in Columbus, Ohio at the end of June!

    I know it's not technically a writing/romance con, but... it's full of fun peeps!

  3. Sheryl, I'll be in Columbus at the end of June. We spend summers there now. Let me know if you want to meet for a beer... ;-) ~Linnea

  4. I'll be at RWA in Nashville and attending the FF&P (rumor has it tickets come out this week). Yes to all of the questions. I'd love to meet SFRers

  5. I'll be at RT at the end of April, the Lori Foster event June 4-6 in Cincinnati, and RWA this summer. I'd also love to get together with any SFRers out there.

  6. I'm planning to do RWA this summer. I'd love to meet up with any Brigaders going and also pass out any promo items.

  7. I'll be at RWA, and am willing to help out wherever needed.

  8. I'll be at RWA National. Hope to meet some of you there!

  9. I put it on another post, somewhere, I will be attending nationals in Nashville and am going to the FFnP steampunk river boat party.



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