
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And the Winners Are...

Randomizer Says:
Job Status:
Research Randomizer Results

1 Set of 3 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 37 -- Unsorted
Set #1:
37, 32, 12

And what does THAT mean?

To be fair to all parties, we let Randomizer pick the winners from the 37 comments on Linnea Sinclair's interview.  Here are the winners of Linnea Sinclair's books (or if you're at a foreign address you'll get a PDF version). If you already own the book, you can also choose an item from the Intergalactic Bar & Grille store.

In alphabetical and numberical order:

GAMES OF COMMAND goes to comment 12
[who was Linnea Sinclair, so the next commenter was] Kaye Manro

REBELS AND LOVERS goes to comment 32 - Liana Brooks

SHADES OF DARK goes to comment 37 - s7anna

Congrats all, and thanks for tuning in for the interview.  Please email me with your address asap so I can coordinate getting your prizes to you with Linnea Sinclair.

Send to: Lgreen2162 [at] AOL [dot] com (in the usual email format).

Thanks again to Linnea for sharing her insights and offering all these fabulous prizes!


  1. Oh, yay! Thank you. I was actually eyeing that one. The guy looks hot, but I might be predisposed to males with dark hair and glasses, that's what DH looks like. Although I know he hasn't had time to model for book covers....

    I think...

    *goes to hold book cover up to DH and make sure*

  2. Thank you! I am so surprised to be a winner! It just goes to show how the Universe works. I had Games, shared it with a friend who shared it with another friend. And somehow it never came back to me. Now I will have it again! Yay! (And this time I'm not sharing!)

  3. Thanks for such a great surprise!!! Congratulations to the others!!!



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