
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Congratulations to our Golden Heart Finalist!

It's been a very exciting day for Brigade member Sharon Lynn Fisher who was just announced as a finalist in the RWA Golden Heart with a SFR novel titled SHADOWED!  Sharon also finaled in the 2009 Golden Heart. 

Sharon will be our first member to kick-off our Finals and Points contests.  Congratulations, Sharon!

Sharon, feel free to post an article or a comment to tell us a little about your experience in getting "the call" this morning?  What was going through your head?  Any immediate plans?  How does it feel to be a two-timer?  (The good kind of two-timer, I should say.)


  1. Congratulations, Sharon! Very exciting news.

  2. Thanks so much, Laurie and Heather! I just got back from a celebratory dinner and I still can't quite believe it. Happy to post more thoughts as soon as my brain starts functioning normally again ...

  3. PS - Tomorrow is my birthday - how cool is that? :)

  4. Oh, happy birthday, Sharon! What a great early gift.

  5. Hey, Sharon, Congrats and Happy Birthday!!

    (Same, I might add, as Leonard Nimoy and Steve Tyler--what can we deduce from this? Fame and fortune are in your future?)

  6. Thanks Rae & Laurie!

    Oh, those are good ones, Donna. Also Joseph Campbell, one of my heroes.

  7. Congratulations, Sharon!
    And happy birthday too!

  8. Thank you, Susan! Perfect excuse for two days of champagne!


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